To work from home is simpler than you may think, and this is how you do it.
First lets consider what working from home should be.
Working from home should provide you with an experience that is the same as sitting in work in front of your normal PC/Desktop accessing all the tools and resources you need to do your work. For this, you will need the following:
So “How does it work?”
This is the process of connecting to work.
If you work only with your laptop and use it to only to access a server say, then you simply use stage one of the above process. However, remember that programs such as Sage and some databases will not work in this mode as broadbands are often slow or speed is not guaranteed . To use them you should access your work PC and do it through that route.
That is how simple it is to work from home.
Call us to have this set up. During these difficult times we are not charging for PCs that are under support. (i.e. have a CIT number) for non supported PCs such as home machines, we are charging £35+vat. This would normally be £90.
With our AntVirus for protection, secure login and remote Remote access tool for ongoing support, we can provide you with a professional, secure environment to work from during the pandemic.